Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Things To Do During Customer Service Week

As we talked about yesterday this year Customer Service Week is from October 5th through the 9th. It has been held since 1991.

Whether you’re putting the finishing touches on celebrating National Customer Service Week or have never heard of it before, you can pull off some meaningful events that include all the key players: front-line service reps and sales professionals, marketers, customers, support staff and leadership.

Here are some ideas you can use during National Customer Service Week to celebrate customers, service professionals and colleagues, as well as kick off initiatives to improve your operations.

Give Some Time Off
Many organizations try to get their customer service pros out of the office together without jeopardizing service levels. Put out notices to customers, letting them know that customer service will be a bit slower for a short time one day during Customer Service Week. Arrange for folks in other departments to handle calls and email, and take messages while the customer service team does a group activity, such as a picnic or BBQ with some team-building exercises.

Teach Your Colleagues
In another outreach effort, one service team uses the week to educate everyone in its company about helping customers, something nearly everyone ends up doing at one time or another. The team sends out a service tip via email each day. At the end of the week, the team gives colleagues a booklet with more tips, for reference throughout the year, and information on how different situations can affect customer satisfaction.

Kick Back and Hear How Good Your CSRs Are
This can be both fun and inspirational: Wheel in a large flat screen and a popcorn machine into the department during a slow afternoon and told the team to relax a little.

Then, before starting a rented movie, play a video of recorded messages from the company leaders and major customers thanking the customer service reps for all they do to help. The sales team helped gather the customer testimonials and the top brass was more than happy to give the shout-out.

Focus On Customers, Too
In addition to celebrating employees, banks often spend the week thanking their customers, the people who allow them to deliver great service. One gives the adults lollipops with attached thank-you messages.

Another puts out drinks and treats all week long, and when customers arrive, clerks ask them “Can I get you a refreshment?” Of course, they take care of customers’ banking needs, too. But the front-line service pros put an extra emphasis on customers all week. Can you apply this to your business?

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SMART Service Desk
600 West Ray Road
Suite D-3
Chandler Arizona 85225

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